About Me

Hello, I am Maryam, an aspiring Software Engineer from Sialkot, Pakistan. I graduated in September 2023 from the University of Sialkot. I started coding a few years ago in C++, and I really enjoyed it; from there, I developed an interest in programming. After exploring many different areas, including Android Development, I found my passion in web development.Currently leanring and building my skills in web devlopment

What I do

Full Stack Development

Tailwind CSS
  • Create interactive web apps: Using JavaScript, React, and Next.js for dynamic UIs.
  • Build back-end services: Leveraging Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for scalability.
  • Design responsive layouts: Implementing HTML, CSS, and Tailwind CSS for visual appeal.


Project 1

Social Media Application

token based authentication, user can post ,like other user posts


Project 2

Discord Clone

Full Stack Discord Clone


Project 3


MERN stack Ecommerce Application


Project 4

Landing Page

Simple Landing page that i got as an assignment

React,Tailwind CSS


Software Developer Intern


July 2024 - Current

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and implement software solutions that met client requirements.
  • Assisted in the development of web applications using modern technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React.
  • Participated in code reviews and provided constructive feedback to improve code quality and maintainability.
  • Debugged and troubleshot software issues to ensure optimal performance and user experience.
  • Gained hands-on experience with version control systems like Git to manage code changes and collaborate effectively with team members.

Computer Science Instructor

Capital Science, Chawinda Pakistan

june 2020 - Current

  • Taught foundational computer science concepts, including programming languages, algorithms, and data structures to students.
  • Developed engaging lesson plans and hands-on activities to enhance students' understanding of computer science principles.
  • Provided mentorship and support to students in their coding projects and assignments.
  • Evaluated student performance through assessments, projects, and examinations, offering constructive feedback for improvement.
  • Organized workshops and extracurricular activities to foster interest in technology and programming among students.
  • Collaborated with faculty to enhance curriculum and incorporate emerging technologies into the course material.